About Crypto Chronic

CryptoChronic is a Virtual Game-World dedicated to Cannabis and built around the characters of our Digital Collectibles. It is “The Green Utopia”, a world in which Cannabis is Legalized, Liberalized and Democratized. A Green Revolution has happened, bringing forth a society where Marijuana can assume its rightful place without any stigma, and where it can be grown, bred, traded and exchanged freely, in a decentralised manner, stoner-to-stoner (s2s). In this reality in which it is legal, considerable funding has gone into research, especially in regards to Genetics and the Breeding Process. Now Cannabis is Humankind’s best friend. Especially since dogs have profited from the same technological advances evolving beyond us, have revolted against man-kind, and are now colonizing Mars. They follow in the footsteps of Earth’s most intelligent creatures, Dolphins and Whales, which left us years before to explore the stars...

Not only these days is Marijuana friendly because of its countless awesome properties, but because through careful Breeding it has developed its own character and personality, literally. Now it talks, it eats, it’s needy as hell, and it smokes. It’s mostly needy and smokes. It would have left planet earth as well, but it has roots here, and it likes us a lot. In return for our care and loving in fact, it has become an indispensable companion for humanity.

“CryptoChronics” (they prefer “Chronics”), are female, as only the female plants have developed such traits and capabilities, and they bred male plants out of existence. They have become strong, sassy, soulful little plants, but in the end remain faithful, devoted and witty friends that these days fend for us in fierce battles to the last Toke. Humans pit them against each-other in exciting Smoke Offs. While the Chronics Smoke each-other out, they compete with regards to who is the coolest, who most potent, and who has the most tolerance… Don’t worry though: no Chronics were harmed in the making of this game. They really, really, really enjoy being high!

The prizes are in “GreenBacks”, which in our world is a Cryptocurrency (only in the game), that has taken the place of Fiat Money. With it we can buy Priceless Skins for our Token, and therefore our Status within the CryptoChronic Community.

Nowadays, unfortunately Society is still plagued by consumerism (well, we are not doing too bad though: we have Legal Marijuana and a Cryptocurrency based Economy – off to a good start!), and Status Symbols are still a determining factor of our social standing. Only in this day and age they are worn by our Chronics, not by us. The cooler our Chronics’ Skins are, the cooler our Chronics, the higher social status We have in the CryptoChronic Community!

Chronics are very high maintenance though, and need constant attention. One must give them water, feed them, provide them light, fertilize them, cure them with pesticides, harvest the excess weed by shaving them regularly and provide them with copious amounts of Ganja to smoke in order to keep them happy. Fortunately the Doggies, before they left, in an act of generosity taught us the technology that now enables to do all this from the palm of our hand, through our Mobile Phones …